We recommend that you evaluate your treatment plans routinely to keep them in pristine condition. Keeping your plans clean and free of errors will help you avoid documentation errors, and help ensure that your plans are generating the correct coding. Over time, as you are using the system, you may have created duplicate treatment plans, or made changes to some of your plans in error. We recommend the following:
Check the Grouping in your procedure treatment plans. (Your surgical repair plans and excisions should have the grouping set to none, Mohs treatment plans should have the grouping set to all procedures, LN2 plans should be set to all locations). Incorrect grouping will affect your procedure notes. You can see more information on grouping in this article: Treatment Plan Grouping
Check the public plans for any procedures that you need, or any updated procedure plans. As documentation requirements change for coding, EZDERM updates these plans to reflect the new requirements. Entering the year in the search box will show you any updated plans for this year.
Check your treatment plans for duplicates, and delete any unused or inaccurate duplicates:
You can delete any duplicate plans by swiping from right to left on the treatment plan and clicking on the deactivate option:
Starring your favorite treatment plans, or plans that you have customized will help your clinical staff choose the correct treatment plan:
Review the counseling in your treatment plans to make sure you haven't copied plans and forgotten to edit the counseling:
Check the coding section of your treatment plans to make sure it is accurate:
Adding Lab Panels to your treatment plans where applicable will help your clinical staff choose the correct lab tests when ordered:
Checking these routinely will help you get the most out of your documentation with fewer errors. If you have any questions regarding your treatment plans, or need assistance, you can call the support line at 877-443-9337 option 2 for assistance.
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