Navigating the new 3D Body Map is easier than ever. We carried over the original navigation and gestures and introduced a few new ones.
How to zoom in?
Pinch Out - This is the most common method that we carried over from the old body map. Simply pinch out with two fingers (e.g. index and thumb) and the body map will zoom into the desired location. We reduced the sensitivity so you can pinch out with a slower gesture without losing the grip.
Double Tap: You can Zoom into a specific area by Double Taping on any part of the body map. You can continue double-tapping to the furthers possible endpoint.
Press and Hold (New!) - The third and newest method to Zoom into the body map is the Press and Hold method. Locate the part of the body you would like to zoom in, press and hold and as you do you notice the continues zooming until you release the screen or until it reaches the furthest possible point. Note: to zoom into a specific part of the body (such as mouth and genitals) you will need to select the individual body part icon. (more on this below)
How to zoom out?
Pinch In - Once you focused in a specific body part, you can zoom out by simply using the pinch-in gesture on the screen. Please note that you will not be able to go back into the body section using this gesture if you are located in the mouth or genital areas. (please continue reading).
Note: we have discounted the triple tap method to zoom out as we found it was not very efficient.
To rotate the body map across the X-axis, simply drag the finger horizontally from the right or left side of the screen.
To rotate the body map across the Y-axis, simply drag the finger from the top or bottom side in a vertical motion across the screen. For example, if you would like to view the plantar foot of the patient simply drag your finger from the bottom of the screen to the top.
Model Types: Body, Mouth & Genital.
The 3D Body Map has 3 separate sections: Body, Mouth, and both Female and Male Genitals. You can access each of the sections by clicking/tapping on the bottom icon on the left side menu, while you are located in the physical exam aka the 3D body map.
When you enter the physical exam, by default, you will see the body section. Once you tap on the body icon on the left side panel, you will be presented with 3 other options to select: body, mouth, and genitals. You might notice that the side icon will change depending on which part of the body you are located in. Please note: Once you are located in the mouth or genital section you will not be able to zoom out to the body area unless you click back on the sidebar and select body.
Important: If you select the gender of the patient as unknown, the body map will default to the female model with the female genital area preselected. If you would like to switch to the male body this will have to be done in the Chart Section in the patient summary.
As you switch sections you might notice sometime a number in parenthesis next to its name. This number represents the number of points or affected areas that are selected for this particular problem. In the example below the patient has four different areas selected (bilateral forearms and bilateral lower legs).
Changing and alternating problems and treatment plans
With the new body map, the finding(s) and treatment plan(s) are located at the top of the screen above the body map. To alternate between/among different finding(s)/problems simply swipe from the right or left side of the top name. (demonstrated in the image below) Next to each finding(s)/problem(s), you will find a number representing the order of documentation and billing.
To alternate between different treatment plans within the same problem, simply perform the same gesture but this time swipe right or left on the name of the treatment plan, located beneath the problem or diagnosis. For example, when you perform an excision and repair, swiping right or left you can alternate among the two plans (demonstrated in the image below).
For any further questions, please post a comment or reach out to our technical support by sending an email to or call 877.443.9337,2
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