Providers can customize which segments of the Assessment and Plan they want to see within their progress note. This can be done by going to Settings > My Profile > Assessment and Plan Module.
Indicate which sections you wish to be displayed or not within notes by tapping to the left of the section name (ex: if you do not wish to have the morphology of a problem displayed within your A&P because it is displayed in the Physical Exam part of the progress note you would uncheck morphology within here). A red checkmark icon will be shown if the section will be displayed within your note. By default, all sections will be displayed unless they have been deselected within the settings.
You can quickly select all or none of the sections within either the Assessment or Plan portions by tapping the Deselect/Select All text in the top right corner of each box. Please note that the Impression section cannot be deselected. You can also override these settings from within the progress note on a per-patient basis.
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