Electronic Health Record V2.20:
- iOS 11 compatibility
- Updated schedule blocks
- Ability for Non-PM users to use Cosmetic Module (Simple Charges enabled for Non-PM users)
- Lab order improvements
- Emergency contact(s)
- Pathology report sign-off warning
- Biopsy review warning
- Additional suture Materials
- Select all button on Rx screen
- Referral letter text changes
- Remove "Take" from eRx
- Replace picker 'Take' with text field
- New filler added under Injection -> Fillers: Juvederm Ultra Plus XC
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Practice Management:
- Deactivation of ERAs
- Updated schedule blocks
- Emergency contacts
- New policy type: "Group Health Plan" and related algorithms
- Manual insurance eligibility checking for all encounters on a given date
- Ability for Non-PM users to use the Cosmetic Module (Simple Charges are now enabled for the Non-PMS users)
- Increased efficiency of posting secondary payments
- Ready to Print automation (when Payer ID is unavailable)
- Simple charge report improvements
- To-Do list will display DOB and MRN
- CSV Billing Reports and Appointment Reports contain additional data columns
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