When a patient comes to your office for the first time and they check in via the EZ Check-In application, they will be asked the “How Did You Hear About Us?” question as soon as they complete the demographics part of the check-in process (provided this section of the check-in process was not turned off in the configuration settings). Offered answers are Family, Friend, Family Doctor, etc. where the patient can tap to select a single option. If the patient selects "Other" they will be prompted to free text an answer.
The marketing leads can be captured and documented in other parts of the software, if you have decided to turn off the section "How did you hear about us?" on the EZ Check-In application, to speed up your check-in process. Additionally, leads can be captured from the EHR, either from the Quick Add Patient screen located in "Marketing Source" field:
Or from the patient’s chart. Within the patient’s chart tap on the Edit button from the Summary screen, scroll down to the Demographic section and tap on Marketing Source, then make a selection.
Marketing leads can also be documented from the Practice Management System either via the Quick Add patient screen on the schedule:
Or directly from a patient’s chart, from the third column in the Demographics screen, under "How did you hear about us?" field.
Users that have Practice Management System active will also be able to view New Patient Origination Report diagram from the dashboard, below the financials diagrams.
The diagram shows the number and the percentage of patients for the past 30 days that heard about the practice from different sources (the number can be seen by hovering your cursor over the bar). This date range can be manually changed by clicking on the date range at the top left of the diagram. For more details, you can click on the Online Rating of a Doctor, Search Engine, Advertisement, and Social Media.
To create this report as either a table or PDF, go to the Reports section, click on the Patients report, and change the report type to New Patient Origination Report.
Then select the Date Range you would like to view the report for and click Filter. This will bring you to a table of the results and if you wish to see a PDF version of the report, click on the PDF icon at the top right of the table.
The PDF will generate the same diagram as previously mentioned, with a list of all patients who answered the marketing source question and were created during the date range selected.
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