To access Appointment Types, click on the practice name or logo in the upper left and click practice to expand a drop-down menu. Then select the option for Appointment Types.
In this section, you will find all appointment types for the practice and the colors they are assigned to. Each appointment type can be edited and deleted by clicking into it.
The colors will display on the schedule, on the left side of the patient's name and will also display on appointment series to make it more recognizable.
You can create new types by clicking on the blue New Appointment Type button in the upper right corner.
You can name them, choose a color, and also add resource types in case they are used in the appointment type you are making.
If you mark it as Default, that appointment type will be preselected for each new single appointment you create.
If you mark it as Botox and Fillers, then the patient will be placed in the Cosmetic Module when scheduled for an appointment with that appointment type.
If you mark Resource Schedule Only then anytime a patient is scheduled with that appointment type, their appointment will only show up on a resource schedule and not on a provider's schedule.
Click done to save your appointment type.
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