On the left-hand side of the practice management system click Refunds. By clicking here you will see a drop down with Overpayment, Patient Refunds, Insurance Refunds, and Refunds History.
Overpayment refers to any patient who has a claim balance below zero dollars. If you apply an amount that is more than the billed amount, then you will receive a negative balance. Once posted, the patient will appear on the overpayment screen. Click on the tab that says "Generate Refund" to create a New Refund.
Please note that the dollar amount can be changed on the refund at the bottom by clicking on the amount. Click done when complete.
Patient Refunds refer to any patient who has a credit on their account or a negative balance. This list can be downloaded as a PDF, and filtered to find what you are looking for by selecting these options in the upper righthand corner. To enter a patient refund first click on the blue generate refund tab in the bottom right and then enter payment details.
The status should be changed to 'Issued'. Once all other payment details have been entered, you will hit done, and the refund will appear in the patient's financial log.
Insurance refunds are if an insurance company overpays an amount that is billed, there can be an unapplied amount for that insurance payment. All insurance payments, ERAs and EOBs with any unapplied amount that is greater than zero, will appear in the insurance payments list.
Once you click into any of the payments amount you can enter in the insurance payment details. You can also filter the payments if needed and generate PDF.
Refunds History is where you can view all refunds for either payments or insurance. If you click on the filter tab in the upper right-hand corner, you can filter by status, recipient type, refund date, and refund id. You can also generate a CVS or PDF if you choose.
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