1. Go into the Insurance Profile and Click on "Add New Insurance."
2. Select the insurance company, by searching by the insurance company name or the payer ID. If Medicare is Secondary, select the insurance type code from the drop-down menu. Enter the "Effective To" date, the group number, member number and Insured Person from the drop-down menu. Make sure to click Save to complete adding the insurance profile.
3. If you are adding multiple insurance profiles, click on "Add New Insurance" and enter the information on the additional insurance. Once all of the insurance profiles have been entered, click on the Save button to save the changes. The patients previous list of insurance profiles will be stored in history, and the current profiles will remain active.
4. One the insurance profiles have been saved, the Check Eligibility option will show at the bottom right of the screen.
5. After the Eligibility has been run you will then be able to enter in the patients benefits by clicking on the grey Elig/Benefits tab to the far right of the insurance.
6. Once you open this tab, you will then select "Add New" and you will see options to select for adding in the patients Deductible Remaining, Co-Insurance, Co-Pay, and Out of Pocket Remaining. Please note that you will be able to see the benefits in each section by selecting the drop down arrows, and then you can select whichever one is appropriate. You can also free text the amounts in as well if you prefer.
*In addition, please see the attached article on Understanding Insurance and Patient Benefits*
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How do I delete insurance information?
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