Coding Reports can be run for all of the selected day's signed off, non-cosmetic appointments from the Schedule on the Practice Management System via the Coding Report button in the upper right corner of the schedule screen.
Encounters must be signed off in order to participate in the batch Coding Report. If no encounters have been signed off and you try to run the batch Coding Report, a pop up will appear at the top of the screen indicating at least one encounter must be signed off for the Coding Report to be generated.
The Coding Report button is available in both the daily view and weekly view calendar options, and all roles have the ability to perform this action.
When the coding report is run, a ZIP file called "Coding Reports" will be generated and saved in your computer's downloads. Separate files for each patient encounter will be stored there and they will follow the naming convention of:
<Patient First Name Last Name> - Coding Report - <DOS>.pdf
Encounters can be filtered for the batch job by selecting providers/clinic/resources from the calendar or by the patient search functionality in the top right of the schedule. A Coding Report will then only be generated for the filtered encounters.
Once a user clicks on the Coding Report button to perform the action, the button will become temporarily disabled until all files are successfully generated. Additionally, if the action is performed and the user leaves the scheduling page, the report will not be generated.
If a user tries to use the Coding Report button but no encounters match the required criteria, an error message will appear at the top of the screen.
*This feature will only work for encounters that are signed off after November 16th, 2017*
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