When an insurance company makes an interest or incentive payment on an ERA or EOB, you will have more money on the check than what was paid out over each claim. This means that, when posted, that insurance payment will have some Unapplied amount. To be able to take into consideration and track these sorts of payments, you can create mock claims to allocate this Unapplied money toward.
1. Create a patient called "Interest Payment" or "Insurance Interest" or "Incentive Payment."
2. Create an Insurance Profile for this patient with the payer you received the ERA/EOB from. This is necessary because you will eventually link a mock claim to the payment from this payer. You can add multiple payers so that you can post interest payments from all of those payers. For example, you could have Medicare, BCBS, and Cigna all listed in the patient's Insurance Profile.
3. Create an Encounter for this "Interest Payment" patient with the CPT 99999 and ICD-10 Z00.00. Make the billed amount equal to whatever the Unapplied amount is for the insurance payment. For example, if the interest payments equal $2.52 on the check, the encounter should be created for a billed amount of $2.52. Post the Encounter to move it to Claims.
4. Make sure the Responsibility of the claim is on the payer you received the incentive payment from. Meaning, if the interest payment is from BCBS and that is listed as the secondary in the Insurance Profile, you should open the claim and move the Responsibility down to BCBS.
5. Go to Payments and open the Insurance Payment that has the Unapplied amount. Use the blue "Insert Claims" button to add the claim you just created for the "Interest Payment" patient.
6. Click on the mock claim and add the interest payment amount in the Paid column. In our example, $2.52 should be added to the Paid column. This should leave no Unapplied money on the insurance payment.
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