In the event that a procedure is unable to be performed, or you would like to defer a procedure, you have the ability to update the status from the Physical Exam section of the EHR. The status can be changed for any treatment plan that has the Plan is a Procedure toggle switched on within its settings. Once the treatment plan has been selected and applied to the body map, you will then tap on the treatment plan from the top menu, and swipe from right to left over the plan which will bring up the Status button.
Tapping on the Status button will bring you to a list of all procedure locations and associated procedures, from which you can select any or all locations you wish to change the status of. After tapping on the desired location(s) a red check mark will appear on the right side of the screen to indicate your selection. Then tap on the Share icon in the top right to bring up a drop-down Action List menu. This is where you will select the status you wish to change the procedure to.
Depending on the status chosen, the procedure may move into the Planned folder in the Inbox (from which you can directly schedule a new appointment), as well as have its color changed on the procedure tag within the body map. See the table below for more detailed information.
Depending on the status chosen, the procedure will be able to be selected in subsequent visits from either the HPI within the Progress Note or when tapping New from the body map and selecting a plan. Any status that does not go into the Planned folder will not be listed as a possible option from either the HPI or a new Plan.
Within the HPI:
Pull up the problem with the associated procedure (indicated by a red 'i' on the right) to the day's complaints. You can tap on the red 'i' to view the plan that was selected for this procedure (e.g. Excision, Destruction, Mohs), as well as the locations on the body. Close back to the progress note, and within the body map you will see the problem and procedure as well as have the ability to tap on the checkbox in line with the treatment plan to indicate to the system that you are now performing the procedure.
Within the Physical Exam:
From the body map, after tapping on the red plus sign at the top menu, as if you were going to select a new Assessment and Plan, you will see the planned procedure under the Plan(s) section, which you can tap on to apply to today's visit and perform the procedure with all previous locations pulled forward.
Before making your selection, you can tap on the red 'i' on the far right to view the plan that was selected for this procedure(e.g. Excision, Destruction, Mohs), as well as the locations on the body. This additional information is to help guide you to select the correct option if multiple options are available.
Once you select the plan you will receive a prompt asking you to choose the form of the new assessment:
- New Assessment - Selects the procedure and places it in the A&P of the progress note
- New Assessment with Complaint - Selects the procedure and places the complaint impression in the HPI (as a Follow Up) in addition to the A&P
Once the plan is selected it will automatically be performed on the body map and will be removed from the user's Planned folder in the Inbox.
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