In order to correctly document a flap repair, you will first want to be sure that you have added the Primary and Secondary Defect procedure segments into your treatment plans. (These procedure segments became available with the system update on 6-3-23). You can add these by going into your flap repair treatment plans > procedure summary > add procedure segment > and adding the fields for primary and secondary defect:
Once you add the flap repair plan to a note, you can click into the repair template and add the primary and secondary defect sizes:
The system will calculate your repair code automatically based on the combined size of your primary and secondary defects:
Please note that the system will calculate the coding automatically, however, it will not fill in the Postoperative Dimension field automatically. You will need to manually add the primary and secondary defect sizes and add that combined measurement to the postoperative dimension field:
Once you have entered measurements into the primary defect, secondary defect, and postoperative dimension fields, they will be displayed in your repair procedure note:
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