Once a pathology report is signed off, it cannot be unsigned.
If the provider already reviewed the pathology report and added the incorrect clinical impression based on the pathology report, the provider should change the diagnosis in the HPI and Physical Exam section of the virtual encounter that was created when they signed off on the pathology results. By changing the diagnosis in the Physical Exam screen of the virtual encounter, the provider will update the patient's Problems list thus removing the incorrect diagnosis. They can also delete the incorrect report from the patient's chart and upload a new version of the results if some kind of handwritten note was made on the old report explaining the error.
If you want to generate an entirely new report in EZDERM, the biopsy would have to be added again in a physical exam and the order placed again.
If the provider has yet to sign off on the report, they can add the correct diagnosis in the Clinical Impression field, but you'll still want to delete the incorrect PDF from the patient's chart > Documents > Results and upload a modified report.
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