EZDERM is partnered with Healthmonix, a certified data registry. We will bridge your EZDERM account with your Healthmonix account so the Quality measure data will automatically update into your Healthmonix profile at the end of the year. The bridge is unique for each reporting year, so even if you purchase your account now with Healthmonix (which is recommended) you won't see the data from EZDERM bridge over until the end of the reporting year. Throughout the year you can pull a report of your Quality data in EZDERM's EHR to track how you're doing.
The first step is to register with Healthmonix and purchase the license that will allow you to submit data to CMS.
- To register, go to https://ezderm.mips.healthmonix.com/
- Click Sign Up at the bottom.
- In the upper left-hand corner make sure to choose "Store 2024." Then pick your MIPSPRO package (we recommend reporting for at least 3 categories based on the performance threshold of 75 points in 2024).
Add your practice and provider information to complete the Profile. Note: Any practices doing Group Reporting must choose “Yes” for the “Register as Group Reporting” question on the practice creation page. Group Practice reporting needs to be identified at the time the practice is added/created. Individual providers cannot be moved into Group Reporting after their individual accounts have been created.
Under Reporting Dashboard, go to MIPS Dashboard > Quality and complete all items there:
- My Measures (by adding the following measures): (SELECT ALL EVEN IF YOU DON'T PLAN TO REPORT ON ALL)
- 47 - Care Plan
- 137 - Melanoma: Continuity of Care - Recall System
- 410 - Psoriasis: Clinical Response to Oral Systemic or Biologic Medications (Outcome measure)
- 374 - Closing the referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report
- 130- Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record
- 176: Tuberculosis Screening Prior to First Course of Biologic and/or Immune Response Modifier Therapy
- 485: Psoriasis – Improvement in Patient-Reported Itch Severity
- 486: Dermatitis – Improvement in Patient-Reported Itch Severity
- 487: Screening for Social Drivers of Health
- Electronic Reporting (by selecting "Yes" for all measures reported through EZDERM)
- Once steps 1-5 are completed, please reach out to us (techsupport@ezderm.com or 877-443-9337) and request that your Healthmonix bridge be activated. We will then activate the bridge for your EZDERM Quality data to flow into Healthmonix (please note that this cannot be activated until steps 1-5 are completed). You will know these steps are completed because the Measures section will have a checkmark and the Data Entry section will be unlocked.
- You can then monitor your progress for MIPS reporting from your Healthmonix dashboard.
Healthmononix gets updated data from EZDERM every 20 minutes. If you want to update a visit (e.g. change the answer for a measure within the MACRA Quality wizard), you should do this within EZDERM instead of doing it within Healthmonix to ensure the statistics/scores match in both systems.
Call EZDERM support at 877-443-9337 or email techsupport@ezderm.com if you have any questions about this process. Healthmonix also has a customer support team that is happy to help with anything specific to their system. Your Healthmonix subscription also includes access to training materials and webinars about their MIPSPRO product.
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