The Timeline is easily accessible through the patient's chart. This section allows you to view all Encounters, Notes/Alerts, To Do's, and Follow Up's in order of most recent information to oldest.
In the upper right corner of the Timeline screen you will notice a small red i icon. A list of all the Timeline icons and their description can be found here.
Encounters are color coded by appointment type. Tapping within an encounter bubble will bring you to the progress note for that visit. Long-pressing on an encounter will pull up a summary of the details for that visit.
You can also view the Timeline from the patient's progress note by clicking on the Timeline icon listed in the icon menu on the right side of the screen.
The Timeline can also be accessed within the patients physical exam by clicking on the same icon listed in the menu at the bottom of the screen.
Please Note: Timelines are read-only when viewing from within the progress note and physical exam.
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