Patient Documents - Sorting of Files and Folders




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    Jessica Shenker


    Could we please have a "COVID-19 Vaccination Card" Folder that we can add each patient's card copy into? we will be scanning their cards into their charts, but also want the option to tab and add to a general folder.


    Thank you

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    EZDERM Support L1

    Hello Jessica Shenker, you can add an additional folder to any patient's Documents section by tapping on the folder with a plus sign icon at the bottom left of the EHR or by hovering your mouse over the "Folders" header in the Documents section of the PMS and clicking the red folder icon that appears. 

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    Jessica Shenker

    We are looking for another general folder to be added to the patient's chart. Do we have to manually add a "COVID-19 Vaccination Card" folder to EACH patient's chart? Is there a way to generally add this folder option with the current ones (billing, etc.) so we do not have to manually add to each patient?


    Thank you

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    EZDERM Support L1

    Hi Jessica Shenker, you will have to add this folder manually to each patient's chart. At the moment you cannot create a folder and add it to all patients in the clinic. This is an existing feature request, I will add your office to this request. 

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