When a pathologist is ready to add a diagnosis into a report, they will first pull up the patient through the inbox>pending results. From here they will click on the yellow microscope icon. By tapping on the location, they will then be able to add in all the details of this results.
Diagnosis: By typing out the name of the diagnosis or by using your pathology shorthands, the system will pull multiple different selections for you to choose from.
CMR: By typing CMR you will be able to pull up a comment, microscopic, and recommendations or any combinations of those.
Margins: Lastly, you will be able to enter in any margins if they apply.
Once all of the information has been entered, you will then select done on the upper right hand corner. You will be able to also view once again all of the information you have entered. If everything is correct, you will tap on the circle to select your diagnosis, and then select the "Sign Off" button. A preview of the pathology report will pull for one last review, and once you select Done and then Continue, the report will be considered Final and then move over into the providers "Pending Review" folder.
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